First Step
Are you ready to start enjoying your life again? Are you ready to take the first step toward a fresh start? Sometimes life just happens.
Whether it is unemployment, illness, divorce, or a decrease in hours at work, you are not alone! We are here to help.
Get the fresh start you deserve by taking the first step towards financial freedom and call us today!
My typical clients are:
Single moms trying to raise their children;
Seniors trying to enjoy their golden years on a small fixed income;
People who have overcome illnesses only to be crushed by medical bills;
People who have been unemployed for years despite job hunting for years;
People who have worked for decades at a company making triple digits only to be laid-off and hired making half (or even less) of what they use to make.
Bankruptcy is always a last resort so if you are looking at my website it is likely that you have exhausted all of your resources and your credit score has already taken a hit. If you file bankruptcy now, it is extremely likely you will see an increase in your credit score within just months after filing bankruptcy. There are different types of bankruptcies. Consumers usually file either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.
Having Financial
We Can Help.
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